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  • Windows Energy Options

    Especially if you have a laptop as a work device, the energy settings of Windows 10 & 11 have become rather complex and give you many options for customization. The main aim here is to achieve a good balance between energy saving and practical use. Windows 10 Windows 10 Windows 10 Closing the lid Windows…

  • IBM SPSS online

    Students at the HWR Berlin can use IBM SPSS online in their web browser. A VPN connection to the HWR network must be active for this.-> VPN instructions Go to the website Click on VMware Horizon HTML Access. Enter your HWR Account username and passwort Leave *DefaultDomain* as is and click on “Anmelden” Select…

  • Windows Remote Help

    HWR Berlin IT can also solve problems on its devices (laptop and desktop) via remote maintenance. To do this, the remote help app from Microsoft must be installed on both computers.

  • HAWKI – AI at the HWR Berlin

    HAWKI – AI at the HWR Berlin

    The HWR Berlin would like to give all members of the university the opportunity to engage constructively with generative artificial intelligence. With the start of the winter semester 2024/2025, a new IT service, HAWKI, will initially be available to teachers and students, providing data protection-compliant access to the GPT-4o (Open AI) language model via the…

  • Adobe Acrobat licences for professors

    From the end of 2024, the HWR Berlin will provide professors with an Adobe Acrobat licence. This is initially a test phase to determine how many professors require an Adobe Acrobat licence. If you, as a professor, require a licence, please contact the IT hotline.

  • New Certificate Provider

    After Sectigo terminated the contract with GÉANT (European research and education network) unscheduled as of 01/2025, a new provider was found. DFN has commissioned HARICA, an established trust service provider from Greece, to provide browser-based certificates. HARICA is part of the Greek university network GUnet and has been supported in all operating systems and web…

  • Wi-Fi for ChromeOS

    This guide describes the manual setup of the Eduroam Wi-Fi with the new certificate on a device running ChromeOS. Set up Wi-Fi for ChromeOS To set up Eduroam for ChromeOS, click on the following link. You will be directed to the configuration assistant page. HWR Berlin will be selected as the home organization, and ChromeOS…

  • Wi-Fi for Ubuntu

    This guide describes the manual setup for the Wi-Fi (Eduroam) with the new certificate. Make sure to follow all the listed steps, especially if Eduroam was already set up on the target device, in order to update the configuration properly. Remove the existing Eduroam configuration Click on the Wi-Fi icon → Edit Connections → Delete…

  • Wi-Fi for MacOS

    This guide shows you how to connect to Eduroam Wi-Fi on a Mac. To do so, visit the Eduroam CAT website and download the “mobileconfig” file. Installation of the Eduroam Profile Go to System Preferences > Privacy & Security and select Profiles. Eduroam WLAN and delete profile Click on the three dots and select “Forget…

  • Wi-Fi for iOS

    To set up the Eduroam Wi-Fi on iOS, it is not enough to simply connect to the network and enter your username and password. The process for setting up the nationwide university Wi-Fi on iOS is described in the following article. Delete Profile If you have used Eduroam (HWR WiFi) on your current device in…