Gesamtanzahl der Seiten: 0


  • VPN for Windows

    This guide explains the procedure for using the WatchGuard VPN client to access servers within the domain. Download the WatchGuard Client To access the VPN of HWR Berlin with a personal device, you must first download the WatchGuard Client software. Install WatchGuard Client Start VPN If no shortcut has been created on the desktop,…

  • VPN for MacOS

    This guide explains the procedure for using the WatchGuard VPN client on macOS to access servers in the domain. macOS 11.7 Big Sur is no longer supported by the current WatchGuard VPN client version. Please use OpenVPN in this case. Install WatchGuard Client To access the VPN of HWR Berlin with a personal device,…

  • Set Up OpenVPN

    In some cases, setting up the VPN connection with conventional software (WatchGuard VPN Client) might not be possible. This guide describes setting up the VPN using OpenVPN, which should work in all cases. OpenVPN Download First, download an OpenVPN client and install it. Because OpenVPN is open-source software, there are many options available for each…