For students, we provide access to online platforms designed to facilitate the organization of their studies. Additionally, we offer a learning management system that supports electronic forms of studying. Access to electronic systems is deactivated 120 days after deregistration and deleted after 150 days.
HWR Account
Upon enrollment, students receive a central personal user ID for logging in to all relevant workstations and web-based systems at the university.
–> What is my HWR account?
The CampusCard serves as a student ID, cafeteria card, library card, and print card. You can obtain the card from the card dispenser machine using a QR code, which you will receive by email before starting your studies. Please check your financial status in the S.A.M. portal (Menu: “My Studies” > “Financial Status”) before printing the card.
Deutschland Ticket
From the summer semester of 2024, the regular semester ticket for students will be replaced by the Germany Ticket. Starting on March 28th, the ticket will be available through RIDE.
The Germany Ticket is personalized and will be available exclusively in digital form.
Upon enrollment, students receive a personal university-related email address with webmail access for communication with the university during their studies. This email address within the domain is stored in the campus and learning management systems.
The WLAN connection at HWR Berlin is provided through the Education Roaming (eduroam) service of the German Research Network (DFN).
Campus Management System
S.A.M. (Study Administration Management) is the new digital campus management system of HWR Berlin. Here you will find all information related to your studies (e.g., grades, exam registrations, course enrollment).
Learning Management System (Moodle)
Moodle is the central learning management system of HWR Berlin. Here you will find the digital representation of your enrollments, have access to digitized courses, and can also make use of self-learning offers or access information services of the HWR service units.
Digital Learning and Testing (E-Learning)
At HWR Berlin, most courses are now enriched with digital teaching content, digital teaching and learning phases, and digital exams. The E-Learning Center supports both faculty and students by providing web-based teaching and learning environments, as well as training, consultations, and tutorials.
HWR Berlin offers its students a comprehensive library service (loan, reading rooms, workspaces, digital resources).
PC Workstations
For self-study, PC workstations are available at both locations with access to the intranet and internet, and they can also be used for preparing term papers and theses outside of class times.
- Campus Schöneberg: in the library (Building A, 4th and 5th floors)
- Campus Lichtenberg: in the library (Building 6 B/C)
Azure Dev Tools for Teaching
- Program by Microsoft that provides users with licenses for most Microsoft products.
- Information on eligible study programs
Contact for IT questions
For study-related inquiries, please contact your responsible student office, and for questions regarding enrollment and re-registration, contact the Application, Admission, and Enrollment Office (BBZI).