Gesamtanzahl der Seiten: 0

Interior Setup

Equipped with PC workstations and media technology

  • Provision of lecturer workstations with desktop PC or docking station in seminar rooms
  • Provision of PC labs or e-examination rooms
  • Provision of PC workstations in the university library
  • Equipping event and meeting rooms
  • Provision of projectors or large displays depending on room size
  • Provision of interactive displays (smart podiums), microphones, and webcams in blended classrooms (according to departmental requirements)
  • Provision of visualizers
  • Provision of speakers
  • Regular maintenance during lecture-free and exam-free periods

Within the opening hours of the HWR buildings

All members of HWR Berlin

Service type: Standard

+49 (0)30 30877-2525 und